
How digital technologies can be a strong resource for Small-Medium-sized companies, that can act as if they were Big, instead of scaring them.

The Small–Medium sized companies are a great resource for any economic and production system, and in particular for the Italian one, where there is the plus of Made in Italy. One of the biggest challenges for this kind of company is to approach the market at the same standing of a larger (competitor) company, assuring a strong attention and a great experience to the customer that help to make the difference. With this regard, digital transformation and technological innovation, instead of being terrible threats or a disaster, could help small and medium companies to get more competitiveness, without investing a fortune! Let’s see some ideas.


The need to speed up and increase productivity in workgroups, through adequate security that is not common in a local system gave rise to cloud. In the last twenty years, data-driven models helped to create new business and development models based on many collaborators who have to handle the same spreadsheets themselves or the same text documents simultaneously. But how does it work and why this name? The Cloud is an infrastructure not located in a single data center, the that allows fast and secure access to documents from any corner of the planet. Thanks to this system, the Cloud assures data protection data which a traditional system is not able to assure, even in case of natural disasters. That means the possibility to have a multi-task approach, with many people and devices connected together at the same time through the Cloud. In other words, how to help and improve the life to Small-Medium Sized Companies!


The web drives our choices and specific behaviors. The analytics study and analyze the users’ web behavior in order to get detailed data and consumer preferences, aimed to offer customized marketing activities. The Web is a window on an almost infinite choice of products, with a wide freedom that makes people feel safe. Tracking visits to websites or our purchases’ behaviors allow personalized marketing campaigns, which will mean a loyal customer, that is to say, a customer who buys again!


Chatbots, ie virtual assistants, can schedule meetings and manage e-mail accounts. For Small-Medium Sized Companies, chatbots can also be a new communication channel with customers, without the need to hire a new employee. Today, chatbots can complete the online shopping experience, from browsing to payment to a conversation, also through the purchasing model data analysis.

A simple, concrete and economic proof of how #emergingtechnologies are an amazing source of opportunities to improve the competitiveness of #SmallMediumSizedCompanies, to make #innovativeagriculture or #innovativecraftsmanship, or to innovate in other sectors, provided that they open to change with optimism and confidence!

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