I’m Edoardo Magnotta, I’m 47 years old, and I’m from Naples, which I left about ten years ago. I am actually living in Spoleto, with my wife, Annalisa, and my two wonderful children, Raffaele, 8 years old, and Giulia, 4 years old.
The blog aims to speak to youth (with the hope that some messages will reach even the less young!) of some important urgent issues related to the Digital Revolution. The blog does not mean to be academic or scientific, but it means to be a strong and open point of view, which should be the beginning of a dialogue. The focus will be on the effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on business models, skills and abilities required in the future markets, different kinds of future jobs, models of applied innovation. The blog will be about the three main pillars of my expertise: Marketing, Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship.
My professional pathway
My professional career began after the graduation in Economics, through different experiences in the banking and financial sector, holding positions of increasing responsibility in large Italian private banks as well as in a big US bank. However, soon after I began working in that sector, I started suffering from the fried air syndrome, as usually called in UK. I had the feeling of doing things without creating any real value! After about 9 years, I left the industry and I started working as a freelance consultant. In effect, I erased my career and I started a new path that was completely different. In the 4 years, I lived in Naples, Rome and Milan, with a long period in India and Belgium. Then, I decided to shuffle the cards (again), and to get back to school. I did the MBA, Master in Business Administration, probably one of the most intense post-graduation courses. A very long year, between Rome and Paris, made up of lessons, very exciting projects, demanding exams, but also classmates of every ethnic group, religion and country. After the graduation, I founded a start-up in consulting industry, but after three years, the same Business School of the University where I graduated appointed me Head of Marketing, with the responsibility for the launch of the first digital strategy of the school and the communication plan of an important International certification process. A very different kind of experience, that was a a source of growth and education.
After two years, at the end of the role, I decided to open a new professional stage, made of further changes: as a Partner of a Relational Marketing and Public Affairs company, I am dealing with the start-up incubation process and, above all, the launching of a Business Accelerator for International Development, a shortly launching project where I’m putting all my world: experience, network, relationships, skills, reputation, in order to support the Small and Medium Companies (that really aim to do International development) on the Markets International, starting from the Middle East. In the coming weeks, then, I will give the additional details related to the innovative model. I am also working at a book for an US publisher related to the effects of digital transformation on Marketing and Communication. A truly exciting challenge!
The Blog
My path led me to experience many different kinds of people and contexts: multinationals companies, Organizations, Small and Medium-sized companies. I experienced amazing results as well as negative moments. However, I have always stood up fast and a positive wrap-up: resilience is a driver in my life!
The blog will aim to contribute to some important issues in order to spread a broader awareness of what we are experiencing, without ideologies or hidden thoughts, but through an open, simple, clear and transparent way. Without the typical Italian cultural bigotry, which sometimes makes our country a bit close, instead of reminding to be very respected abroad for what we are able to do and build.
The issues will link to the ongoing digital transformation: how it is changing forever the way we live and work (even if someone has not yet understood it); what and how youth should study (for example, the role of technology in learning experience, even if we are still at stake!); the great changes in the organizational models (stability, for example, is a Jurassic heritage, but only a few have understood it).
The analysis will also be oriented to a can-do culture, without weeping: everybody has own history, made of big and small troubles, they are part of life. But nobody must feel a credit towards life! I will try to get my voice to youth in a transparent way and without discounts. I am a free man, thus I will always say what I think!
Thanks for reading so far and welcome!
"Ringraziamenti per la collaborazione"